Thursday, 17 July 2014

Malaysia: HSBB and Mobile Data Innovation Fuel Telecom Revenue Growth

Malaysia: HSBB and Mobile Data Innovation Fuel Telecom Revenue Growth is a new market research publication announced by Reportstack. This report offers a precise, incisive profile of Malaysia's mobile and fixed telecommunications and pay-TV markets based on comprehensive proprietary data and insights from our research in the Malaysia market. Published annually, this presentation-quality, executive-level report provides a comprehensive study of the Malaysian telecommunication market, analyzing trends, near-term opportunities, competitive dynamics and evolution of demand by service type and technology/platform across the fixed telephony and broadband, mobile and pay-TV sectors, as well as key regulatory trends.

Key Findings
- Mobile penetration in Malaysia stood at 144.4% at the end of 2013, and mobile services generated $7.6bn in service revenue during the year, while fixed services, including pay-TV, brought in $3.8bn.
- Malaysia's High Speed Broadband network launched commercially in just 18 months in 2010, and passed 1.49m premises by the end of 2013. After 103 exchanges were upgraded to next-generation network platforms during the first phase of HSBB, HSBB2 will increase that total to 400 over the three years starting in 2014, benefiting 4.8m premises in all.
- Having come to terms with the prevailing consumer preference for OTT communication apps, Malaysian operators are adapting their strategies to better monetize traffic generated from OTT usage. One operator offers unlimited use of WhatsApp, WeChat and Web browsing over Opera as add-ons, while Malaysia' leading MVNO launched its own OTT app, which grants users free on-net calls and discounted off-net and international calls.
- By acquiring a 57% stake in Packet One (owned by Green Packet), Telekom Malaysia received not only 500,000-plus subscribers but also a network of 2,000 sites that provide high-speed broadband in areas to complement TM's current fixed-line network. This will enable TM to offer its subscribers quad-play options and capitalize on the rise of mobile data.

This report provides an executive-level overview of the telecommunications market in Malaysia today, with detailed forecasts of key indicators to 2018. It delivers deep quantitative and qualitative insight into Malaysia's telecom market, analyzing key trends, evaluating near-term opportunities and assessing risk factors, based on proprietary data from our databases.
The Country Intelligence Report provides in-depth analysis of the following:
- Malaysia in a regional context: this section compares market sizes and trends, for instance contrasting the country's revenue CAGR with that of other markets in emerging Asia, including Singapore and Thailand.
- Economic, demographic and political context: this section covers the forecasts and historical figures for population, GDP, GDP per person at PPP, consumer price inflation and currency exchange rates.
- Regulatory environment: this section discusses factors such as the laws and government bodies regulating the telecom markets, 4G spectrum allocation, national broadband plans and access pricing.
- Demand profile: this section forecasts market and segment revenues, with CAGRs and forecast totals provided for various market segments, such as mobile data, broadband Internet access, pay-TV and fixed VoIP.
- Service evolution: this section breaks down market revenue in 2013 and 2018 into fixed versus mobile revenues as well as into voice, data and video revenues.
- Competitive landscape: this section shows the actual revenue market shares in 2013 of the largest telecom players - Maxis, Telekom Malaysia, Celcom and DiGi.
- Major market players: this section lists the ownership and revenues of the four largest telecom players, with a look at what's in store for each one.
- Mobile services: this section examines subscription and penetration trends, breaks down mobile data revenue, forecasts ARPS and data ARPS, and forecasts market share trends through 2018. It also examines ongoing and future changes in mobile network technology generations in Malaysia.
- Fixed services: this section covers key indicators such as fixed-line and broadband penetration rates, ARPL, voice revenue, Internet revenue and market share trends. Access lines are also broken down into PSTN, DSL, fiber (FTTx) and WiMAX.
- Pay-TV: this section looks at subscriptions to pay-TV services through 2018, breaking them down into cable, DTH/satellite and IPTV subscriptions.
- Identifying opportunities: this section details a number of opportunities for operators, vendors and investors in the Malaysian telecommunications market.

Reasons To Buy
- This Country Intelligence Report helps executives build proactive, profitable growth strategies by offering comprehensive, relevant analysis of Malaysia's telecommunications and pay-TV markets based on insights directly from the local market players.
- The report offers a wealth of data on the telecom and pay-TV markets, with both the mobile and fixed segments examined in detail.
- The competitive landscape and the major players are given extra attention, enabling local players and prospective market entrants to gain the insight they need.
- The broad but detailed perspective will help operators, equipment vendors and other telecom industry players to succeed in the challenging telecommunications market in Malaysia.
- The report is designed for an executive-level audience, boasting presentation quality that allows it to be turned into presentable material immediately.
- The report concludes with an exploration of the opportunities available to operators, vendors and investors in the Malaysia market.

Companies Mentioned
Astro, ABNxcess Celcom, DiGi, Green Packet, Maxis, Time dotcom, Telekom Malaysia, U Mobile, YTL, Packet One Networks
To view the table of contents and know more details please visit Malaysia: HSBB and Mobile Data Innovation Fuel Telecom Revenue Growth.

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