Thursday, 8 June 2017

Market Research Outlook on Refinery Maintenance Soars in Asia, Q1 2017

Q1 2017 Global Refinery Maintenance Review: Refinery Maintenance Soars in Asia is a new market research publication announced by Reportstack. Globally Asia witnessed the highest refining capacity under planned maintenance in Q1 2017 with more than 4,000 mbd. 
North America had the highest capacity under unplanned maintenance with more than 1,200 mbd. In terms of capacity under planned maintenance in the quarter, the US, India and China were the top three countries globally. In terms of capacity under unplanned maintenance, the US, India, and the Netherlands were in the lead. Main reasons for unplanned maintenance globally were fire and explosion. Other factors include technical issues, leakage and power outage.
- Analysis of capacity under maintenance for crude distillation, coking, fluid catalytic cracking, hydrocracker, hydrotreater and reformer units
- Comparison of select refinery units under maintenance (planned, unplanned and both) by major regions for Q1 2017 and Q1 2016
- Comparison of select refinery units under maintenance (planned, unplanned and both) by PADD regions in the US for both the quarters
- Comparison of select refinery units under maintenance (planned, unplanned and both) by operators for both the quarters
- Comparison of factors responsible for unplanned maintenance globally by region for Q1 2017 and Q1 2016
Reasons to buy
- Keep abreast of major refinery units (crude distillation, coking, fluid catalytic cracking, hydrocracker, hydrotreater and reformer) undergoing maintenance globally
- Obtain information on region-wise maintenance globally for Q1 2017 in comparison with Q1 2016
- Identify and compare PADD regions and operators with highest maintenance in both the quarters
- Facilitate decision making on the basis of strong refinery maintenance data
- Assess your competitor’s refinery maintenance data
Debora White
Manager - Marketing
Ph: +1-888-789-6604
ReportstackMarket Research

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